AquilaX CLI

Command Line Interface for AquilaX Scanning


  1. Python 3.7 or higher

  2. pip package manager


To install the AquilaX CLI (Command Line Interface) you can simply execute:

pip3 install aquilax


Verify that is installed correctly

aquilax -v


In order to authenticate with the CLI, firstly login into and create an API Access Token (PAT), then execute the below command (this need only once)

aquilax login <your PAT>

List your Organizations

aquilax get orgs 

Set your Organization

aquilax --set-org <your Org ID>

List your Groups

aquilax get groups ⁠

Set your group

aquilax --set-group <your Group ID>

Async Scan

You can initiate a scan without waiting for the results, freeing up your terminal. This allows you to run multiple scans simultaneously for greater efficiency.

aquilax scan

the output will look like the below

Scanning Started:
| Detail     | Value                                                                                                               |
| Scan ID    | 66f703bdsgi3oaf37d491eda                                                                                            |
| Project ID | 66f703badksjfsk37d491ed9                                                                                            |
| Git URI    |                                                                        |
| Frequency  | Once                                                                                                                |
| Tags       | aquilax, cli, tool                                                                                                  |
| Scanners   | pii_scanner, secret_scanner, iac_scanner, sast_scanner, sca_scanner, container_scanner, image_scanner, cicd_scanner |

Scanning results

aquilax get scan-details --project-id 66f703badksjfsk37d491ed9 --scan-id 66f703bdsgi3oaf37d491eda

Sync Scan

You can also start a scan in synchronous mode, this will make your terminal waiting for the results, and you can see in real time the output of your scan as is happening

aquilax scan --sync

More Details

You can simple type aquilax -h for more details or you can visit the open source repo of the CLI here:

If you find any issue or any suggestion for improvement, we love to hear from you:

Last updated

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