Manage Scans
Last updated
Manage Scans
Last updated
Successful Response
Successful Response
Successful Response
Successful Response
This API endpoint allows users to delete a specific scan within an organization. By providing the organization ID, group ID, project ID, and scan ID, users can remove the specified scan. The endpoint returns a success message upon successful deletion of the scan. In case of an error, the endpoint raises an exception with an routerropriate error message.
Successful Response
This API endpoint allows users to fetch details of a specific scan within an organization. By providing the organization ID, group ID, project ID, and scan ID, users can retrieve the details of the specified scan. The endpoint returns a JSON object containing the scan details. If the scan is not found, the endpoint returns an empty JSON object.
Successful Response
This API endpoint allows users to fetch a list of scans for a specific project within an organization. By providing the organization ID, group ID, and project ID, users can retrieve a list of scans associated with the specified project. The endpoint returns a JSON object containing the list of scans. If no scans are found, the endpoint returns an empty list.
Successful Response
This API endpoint allows users to fetch a list of scans for an organization based on the provided filters. By providing the organization ID and a list of project IDs, users can retrieve a list of scans associated with the specified projects. The endpoint returns a JSON object containing the list of scans. If no scans are found, the endpoint returns an empty list.
projects: List[str] = Query(None) - A list of project IDs to filter the scans
limit: int = Query(50, ge=1) - The number of scans to be displayed per page
page: int = Query(1, ge=1) - The page number to be displayed
Successful Response
This API endpoint allows users to create a new scan within an organization. By providing the organization ID and a scan object containing the scan details, users can initiate a new scan. The endpoint returns a JSON object containing the scan ID and project ID upon successful creation of the scan. In case of an error, the endpoint raises an exception with an routerropriate error message.
^(((((\d+,)+\d+|(\d+(\/|-|#)\d+)|\d+L?|\*(\/\d+)?|L(-\d+)?|\?|[A-Z]{3}(-[A-Z]{3})?) ?){5,7}))|(Once)|(Secondly)|(Hourly)|(Daily)|(Weekly)|(Monthly)$
Successful Response
Successful Response