Manage Scans
Last updated
Manage Scans
Last updated
Successful Response
This API endpoint allows users to generate a PDF report for a specific scan within an organization. By providing the organization ID and scan ID, users can generate a PDF report for the specified scan. The endpoint returns a JSON object containing the report details. If the report is not found, the endpoint returns an empty JSON object.
Successful Response
This API endpoint allows users to create a new scan within an organization. By providing the organization ID and a scan object containing the scan details, users can initiate a new scan. The endpoint returns a JSON object containing the scan ID and project ID upon successful creation of the scan. In case of an error, the endpoint raises an exception with an routerropriate error message.
^(((((\d+,)+\d+|(\d+(\/|-|#)\d+)|\d+L?|\*(\/\d+)?|L(-\d+)?|\?|[A-Z]{3}(-[A-Z]{3})?) ?){5,7}))|(Once)|(Secondly)|(Hourly)|(Daily)|(Weekly)|(Monthly)$
Successful Response
This API endpoint allows users to fetch a list of scans for a specific project within an organization. By providing the organization ID, group ID, and project ID, users can retrieve a list of scans associated with the specified project. The endpoint returns a JSON object containing the list of scans. If no scans are found, the endpoint returns an empty list.
Successful Response
This API endpoint allows users to fetch details of a specific scan within an organization. By providing the organization ID, group ID, project ID, and scan ID, users can retrieve the details of the specified scan. The endpoint returns a JSON object containing the scan details. If the scan is not found, the endpoint returns an empty JSON object.
Successful Response